Synthetic hemp rope

Polypropylene rope

Polypropylene braided rope - Parallel core

Polypropylene braided rope - Braided core

Hollow braid polypropylene cord

Polypropylene twine

Polyester braided rope - Parallel core

Polyester braided rope - Braided core

Drisse polyester - Âme tressée ***DESTOCKAGE***

Drisse polyester "équitation étho"

Polyester thermofixed braided rope

Shock cord - Elastic bungee cable

Sandow with hook

Polyethylene rope

Hollow braid polyethylene cord

Braided rope for theatre - Cotton look

Plastic coated steel cable

Nylon rope

Nylon cord 1,5mm

Hollow braid nylon rope 6mm

Corde chanvre **DESTOCK**

Tresse PES sans âme ***DESTOCKAGE***

Pull starter polyester cord

Polypropylene 8mm "eco" rope

Sawmill rope 4 strands

Sawmill rope 6, 8, 9 and 10 strands

Outdoor climbing rope

Outdoor knotted climbing rope

Ficelle polypropylène
We answer you
- Polypropylene
- Textured polypropylene (synthetic hemp)
- Polyester
- Nylon (Polyamide)
- Polyethylene
- Steel
- Latex
Anti UV treatment
To stay intact in the face of prolonged exposure to the sun, our synthetics are treated to resist UV.
Better resistance to weather
Rain, snow, sea water... Our synthetic ropes are designed to last in the face of moisture and corrosion.
Longer life
The synthetic rope is suitable for long-term decoration of your exterior. You can choose the synthetic hemp rope for a natural effect guaranteed.