Polypropylene is the most economical and lightweight fibre. It has an excellent quality/price ratio for uses that do not require a rope with a high performance mechanical strength.
Polypropylene is floating and hydrophobic. It can be in permanent contact with water without degrading itself. It is resistant to moisture.
Density: 0.91
Polypropylene fiber has good UV resistance but it is still inferior to polyester and nylon.
For a better outdoor life, make sure that your polypropylene rope is treated against UV. All our polypropylene ropes are.
Polypropylene is resistant to mites, bacteria, strong acids and alkalis and ordinary solvents. It is sensitive to aromatic compounds. It dissolves in chlorinated solvents at high temperatures.
A Garcette is a small synthetic rope with a diameter generally less than 5mm used to do all kinds of small work on a ship.
Historically, "halyard" is the maritime name for a braided rope generally used to hoist a barge, horn or sail.
Now, the name "halyard" has been generalized to all types of synthetic braided cord and its field of application has been extended to industry, events and crafts.
The core of a halyard is the cord inside the braid that allows it to be round and reinforced. Independent of the outer braid, it can be removed manually. The core can be braided or parallel.
Beyond its material (polyester, nylon, polypropylene, polyethylene), a halyard is defined by the braiding of its core.
- Halyard with braided core
- Halyard with parallel core
- Hollow halyard (without core)
A pre-stretched cord has undergone a factory pre-stretch process to greatly limit its elongation during use.
Thermofixing is a pre-stretch performed at 100°C to improve compaction and stabilization of the fibers. This process improves the mechanical properties and life of a rope. It is reserved for high-end ropes for demanding uses.
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