Corde coton BIO ***DESTOCKAGE***
The majority of our ropes for decoration are made in France. The origin of our ropes is specified in the product descriptions.
- the twisted rope
- the braided rope
- the combed rope
- the cotton air
Each type of rope comes in many diameters, sizes and colors.
Our cotton ropes come in over 90 different colours. The most popular colour is the natural colour of cotton: ecru.
To make your color search easier, you can "Filter" the colors you want!
It is the twisted cotton rope. The diameter 10mm or 12mm can be well for a rainbow, it all depends on the final rendering you want. You can use a smaller diameter for a finer rendering.
You can soak it in water and gently clean it with Marseille soap. Once washed, dry your creation flat!
For dust, it is good to pass the special textile transparent waterproof... It makes it easier to dust them (with a brush or vacuum) and prevents stains from sticking.
Natural ropes are used in various areas such as decoration, macramé, crochet, crafts, furniture, events, adventure parks, security, industry and agriculture.
Many natural fibres are used to make rope:
- hemp
- cotton
- sisal
- jute
- linen
- coconut fibre
The strongest material is hemp. The most used materials in decoration are cotton and jute.
Natural rope can be used outdoors but it is not recommended to store your natural rope in the sun and weather permanently. It will degrade in the long run and may even eventually break.
Like any natural material, the natural rope is sensitive to weather, moisture and UV rays.
The softest natural rope is cotton rope. If you are looking for sweetness, you will also find it with the hemp rope.
In general, all natural ropes are soft. The only rough and grainy fibre is sisal.
The strongest natural rope is hemp rope.
The strongest natural string is linen twine.
For an outdoor railing, we recommend the synthetic hemp rope diameter 26mm, 28mm, 30mm, 36mm, 40mm or 46mm. This rope is rot-proof, moisture resistant and UV treated.
The rope used in the photos below is in diameter 28mm.
For indoor installation, you can use polished hemp rope (natural) or synthetic hemp rope.
Note that the natural hemp rope has a slight odor that fades over time.
For a handrail/stair railing, take a rope of 26mm, 28mm or 30mm.
For a guardrail, take a rope of diameter 28mm, 30mm, 32mm, 36mm, 40mm or 46mm.
Our ropes can be used for star railings, balustrades, mezzanine security or guardrail.